Mac os x yosemite emulator online

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– Launchpad access from desktop corner and Dock configured – Dashboard and Spaces with shortcut keys configured – OS X Dock emulation with pre-configured docklets optimized for stability/performance

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– OS X Yosemite/iOS 8 themes, wallpapers, user pictures and logon screen – Lion Frame UI including Aero/Mac features for XP and non-Aero system – Smart system files updating with auto-repair and Windows Update friendly – Genuine OS X Yosemite/iOS 8 system resources – Designed for all editions of Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10 including Server Editions – Easily configurable in single click with intelligence Metro UI design – Seamless installation and uninstallation giving users safe transformation In this package, you’ll have the best user experiences greatly resembles real OS X Yosemite from Windows side. Yosemite Transformation Pack will give you all new OS X Yosemite user experiences combined with iOS 8 graphics such as theme, wallpapers, system resources, and new OS X features combined altogether in single package working on Windows platform since Windows XP to up to Windows 10. If you have blank nagivation pane or system files related issues, please apply Blank navigation pane fixer patch before installing.